On Saturday I travelled down to register for the Bristol Olympic distance tri on Sunday. It was refreshing to take the time at registration to study the course, although I still couldn't make sense of it with numerous loops near to transition. I took on board the important bits - x2 swim laps, x4 bike laps & x2 running laps.
That evening I went with my racemate to Jamie's in Bristol looking forward to a bellyful of Linguinne Bolognaise. What I got was a portion somewhere between a starter and a main. After polishing it off & contemplated looking like a pig I opted the latter was preferable to lacking carbs - so ordered a starter of the same. The people at the table next to us burst out laughing!
I was off at 7am the next morning so after a 4.15 alarm, got myself sorted, ate a couple of porridge pots & set off for Bristol. I drove past 3 groups of hammered students on their way home - 1 girl who was struggling to stand with her mates trying to carry her lol. I arrived at 6 (when transition opened) & breezed into transition with no competitors around or many officials. I like to get there 90 mins early so by my standards that was cutting it fine. Then an official pointed out my bag was leaking - a 1L bottle of OJ had leaked in my bag soaking everything - great start! Anyway it was a long thin transition so Ingot my bearings, ran through the ins/outs & got ready including attaching the brick (well first generation c.1970's timing chip). My Polar watch had also packed in so I was racing without one, I thought I'd go with it but wasn't convinced.
My timing objectives prior were - Swim 27 / Bike 1:07 / Run 37 & Total time sub 2:20.
Swim - 1.5Km
The day before I counted 7 dead turns on a 2 lap course so wasn't expecting a fast swim. There would be no warmup, it was a case of the pre-race briefing, move to pontoon, wait for everyone, enter the water & start. I noticed it was quite a small wave of c. 60. Soon the horn went & we were off. Immediately I noticed how surprisingly choppy it was & realised it was the waves from the swimmers reflecting back off the wall immediately to our left & hitting us. It was like swimming in a washing machine. Soon I had clear water with a group following the wall to my left, a group to my right heading off course & me and a few others in the middle. I hit my rhythm quite quickly & wasn't long until turn 1 - I thought I was quite well placed but on turning around didn't seem many behind me. After turn 2 it was back to the middle to 2 buoys together - half the group headed to the right & round the first buoy, the other half headed through the middle & round the second buoy. At turn 4 into lap 2 I took a massive breaststroke kick to my jaw - ouch!! Overall I felt it was my best OW race swim of the season & as I came out felt good. it was a long run along the quayside into T1, I ignored the opportunity to stop & bag up my wetsuit as it would have cost valuable time.
As I hit T1 I saw there was still lots of bikes racked so must have done ok. Transition went like clockwork & gained 2 places in the long run out barefoot rather than slding about in shoes like the others. Another issue I have had previously in T1 is fiddling with putting gels into my tight trisuit rear pockets but started with them in place before the swim & saved time.
Bike - 40km
The bike was fast, flat & closed so was psyched up for a fast time. Last year in London I did a 1:04 & feel sharper this year. However when I set off my legs felt empty - I wondered if it was the after effects of the 3 peaks challenge the week before? Quickly though I overtook 2 people & 2 people went past me & pulled away. Whilst the course was flat(ish) there was a stiff breeze - I was curing not having a bike fit as I could feel the wind hitting my semi-upright chest. I was riding at an avg of 21mph, dropping to 19mph into the wind. The dead turn was interesting psychologically as you turned to fac the people chasing you. So the course was an out & back corse 4 times. Personally I felt It was a pretty uninspiring course, but wasn't helped as being in wave 1 I spent most of the ride on my own with no one to chase. I tried to straighten out the course through the bends but with one eye on my avg speed knew would be close to a 1:15 time. As I pulled through the final bend I got my feet out my shoes & hit the dismount well. T2 again went like clockwork - well unil the run out where 2 idiots stood chatting in my path despite several shouts from the marshals. Me hitting the second persons kit box as I ran past wasn't entirely accidental...
Run - 10km
Racing without a watch was something new to me & despite lots of people on twitter saying they all do it, it didn't work for me. I like chasing - be it people or a time. I felt like I was missing a part of me & was outside my comfort zone. I knew there was a big gap on the run to the next person but my legs felt like something had clicked & hit my pace quickly.
The course was a 2 lap out and back under the Clifton suspension bridge. Most of the run was along a muddy track & aft seeing a few people skirt around the puddles decided to go through them all. The run went well - aside from a lack of marshalling / directions on the turnaround after lap 1, I chased and overtook quite a w runners - though wasn't sure which were in my wave on the second lap. As I came around t the finish chute the announcer called out my name...wrongly then corrected herself! As soon as I finished I grabbed a spectator to ask the time & it was 9.26 so assumed I was c.2:25. Below my target of 2:20 but with a bike split of c.1:15 that was understandable.
On reflection the race went to plan - with the exception of the bike. Of course that overshadowed my day & went home pretty miserable. However later I saw I had come 9th / 51 in my AG & 46th / 291 overall - that improved my mood slightly. 2 days later and the official results have just come out:
Swim 26:49. BIG PB!!!
T1. 2:24
Bike. 1:15:41
T2. 1:51
Run. 38:33
Total. 2:25:18
Whilst the bike was some way off my target, I think my target time was unrealisic having seen the course. That's my last planned triathlon of this season, and tbh I'm keen to start planning next year which has always been my focus. I will continue to target OLY distance, but have also entered UK 70.3 at Wimbleball as part of my preparation. Basically if I achieve what I set out to do next season I will continue with this distance in '14 or if not target ticking the IM box. For the remainder of the season I plan to do a couple of OW races, big cow sprint and a sportive. Thanks for taking the time to read, I hope it was of some use. :)
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Rutland Ripple meet TriRich - Dambuster Race Report
Well onwards and upwards onto my first of two confirmed Olympic distance races this season - post the Big Cow sprint, race training hasn't gone brilliantly after the wife injured her back so has been unable to be left alone with the kids as she cant lift Poppy up. But what I have lost in quantity I have made up for in quality with some great bricks and speed sessions. The plus is that I felt very fresh going into this race. Pre-race the talk was all about conditions with the Windsor tri being changed to a duathlon (albeit due to increased river flow) and the Great East swim being postponed to Sunday. The rumours were that it WOULD be a swim but reduced to 1km - I was happy either way so long as we had a swim. I've never done the course before but after living for 4 years in nearby Spalding was aware of the terrain. An added appeal was that in the description it said "is a good testing course and well suited to strong bikers" - so with a focus on improving my bike leg though it would be a good tester. We made a weekend of it staying nearby and I was up at 4am with the wife and kids in tow for support...
Objective - Kept it simple, to be sub 2:30 (revised to 2:21 with reduced swim). This was a best-estimated-rough-guesstimate based on minimal insight!
The Swim (1km)
At the pre-race briefing we were informed that due to a water temperature of 12oC the swim would be a 1km swim and a running beach start. When everyone started gathering just before 7am (in wave 1; 17-34) I took the opportunity to jump in and have a good warm up swim. Tbh I was shocked at the water temperature - my nost stang abit but it wasnt long until I warmed up and it felt fine. I got out and eased back to the starter ready to start 2/3 people from the front. Soon the horn went and everyone surged forward, the people in front dived so I followed. However the people behind carried on running past / across / on top of me. It was carnage - but must have been entertaining to watcg - like a herd of wilderbeast forging forward. Soon I started finding my rhythm but was suffering from leaking goggles and swimmers who couldnt sight so were heading off into the middle of the lake! Soon we hit buoy 1 and turned sharp left, but again quite a few carried on towards the shore. I got into a pattern of emptying my goggles, re-sighting and heading towards the next buoy. I wasn't swimming well and was breathing every 2 strokes. Soon we turned round buoys 2 and 3 and headed back to the exit. As I climbed out I felt that it was my worst OW swim of the year - but as I was running up to T1 the tannoy said the current time was 17 mins (my clocked time turned out to be 16:09) and I was pleasantly surprised - as a 27 min 1,500m swimmer last year I was expecting c.18 mins so couldnt have been as bad as I thought? The temperature was fine too and 1,500 wouldn't have been a problem. Anyway into T1, I ignored the rain jacket I'd left out as it felt quite mild and had a pretty smooth transition...
The Bike (42km)
I jumped onto my bike and started peddling, however my shoes were stuck tight shut with the velcro - by the time I had managed to get my feet in I'd counted 12 cyclists who had passed me. Nevertheless I soon found a rhythm of 90 cadence. There was a strong wind to contend with - mainly across you but no sign of the forecast rain fortunately. To begin with the hills were relatively gentle ascents and descents. What I enjoyed was that there were lots of cyclists around me - different to the Big Cow where I was off on my own. I LOVE chasing people down and the scope to do that was high with a line of cyclists as far as I could see. After a while the hills turned steeper and bigger; I found I was overtaking quite a few people on the ascent but then on the descent they were absolutely screaming past me - I just didn't have the confidence to let fly especially with the wind. I maxed out at 30.7mph - some coming past me must have been in the 40's. Then the next hill would begin and I'd catch and pass them all again, then on the descent they'd casually fly past me again. Repeat. It was like cat n mouse game! Alot of them were quite heavily built - so presumed they were cyclists and vowed to tear past them on the run (which I did) - but was also aware that a) I was wasting energy as my lost speed downhill meant I was carrying less momentum into the next ascent so was having to work harder on the next hill and b) I was working my legs harder so would this impact my run? It was the most technical bike course I have raced on, and did love the challenge. Also the scenery around Rutland is amazing so have to say its the most spectacular bike course I've ridden too. Part of the ride was the infamous Rutland Ripple and was as challenging as expected. Into T2, everything went well until I pulled my first trainer on and got searing cramp in my right thigh. I took a second to shake it off but when I started running I was relieved to say it dispersed...may be self inflicted though having forgotten my gels for the bike.
The Run (10km...well 9.7km so I've since been told)
I was pretty fired up to catch the people on the bike who had come past - so set off quite fast. There were alot of people ahead so I was just chasing people 1 by 1. When I hit the dam (2 laps over the dam) there was a strong crosswind, but I was just focussing on taking the next person...and the next...and the next. I was going past loads of people and conscious of the cramo potential grabbed water at every stations which I don't normally do as I also had a niggling feeling in my left leg that I was about to cramp - but fortunately it never kicked in. I had one eye on my watch and as I hit the supporters on the way back knew my time was ok - seeing the wife and my sons face near the end gave me extra kick and finished very strongly. Race done.
On getting my printout I saw my results were:
Having looked at this - my initial reaction was that I had the fastest 'bad' swim ever. Its hard to judge transition times as the results only give an overall placing - but looking at other times my T1 was quite strong as normal, T2 less so - but that can be accounted for by the brief cramp. My bike split....well less said the better - but same old story. And finally my run - my 10km PB is 37:40 - so thought I'd hit a new PB until someone pointed out they think it was only 9.7km - but still a very strong run.
The Dambuster (and by definition the Vetruvian) is blessed with outstanding setting and scenery. I would thoroughly recommend this race to anyone. The thing with triathlon is that its really difficult to judge your performance. I beat my target time but having not raced the course, that was a best guess target. Fields vary so placing is also of little use so the only way is to race the same course year on year (albeit conditions very). Overall I'm pretty happy with the race and what exites me is the opportunity to smash my bike leg and start putting in some strong overall times.
Over the next month I am walking the 3 peaks challenge and then 10 days later have the Bristol OLY triathlon - my last confirmed race of the year. By all accounts it is a fast flat course so hope to nail a sub-2:15 OLY for the first time. I may bring an early curtain to the triathlon season after that and try and book a few cycling Sportives and TT's. I know what now what needs to be done so need to build an action plan for 2013...
Finally well done to the blind competitor who raced yesterday, certainly an inspiration to us all.
Cheers for reading it and love to have any feedback....
Objective - Kept it simple, to be sub 2:30 (revised to 2:21 with reduced swim). This was a best-estimated-rough-guesstimate based on minimal insight!
The Swim (1km)
At the pre-race briefing we were informed that due to a water temperature of 12oC the swim would be a 1km swim and a running beach start. When everyone started gathering just before 7am (in wave 1; 17-34) I took the opportunity to jump in and have a good warm up swim. Tbh I was shocked at the water temperature - my nost stang abit but it wasnt long until I warmed up and it felt fine. I got out and eased back to the starter ready to start 2/3 people from the front. Soon the horn went and everyone surged forward, the people in front dived so I followed. However the people behind carried on running past / across / on top of me. It was carnage - but must have been entertaining to watcg - like a herd of wilderbeast forging forward. Soon I started finding my rhythm but was suffering from leaking goggles and swimmers who couldnt sight so were heading off into the middle of the lake! Soon we hit buoy 1 and turned sharp left, but again quite a few carried on towards the shore. I got into a pattern of emptying my goggles, re-sighting and heading towards the next buoy. I wasn't swimming well and was breathing every 2 strokes. Soon we turned round buoys 2 and 3 and headed back to the exit. As I climbed out I felt that it was my worst OW swim of the year - but as I was running up to T1 the tannoy said the current time was 17 mins (my clocked time turned out to be 16:09) and I was pleasantly surprised - as a 27 min 1,500m swimmer last year I was expecting c.18 mins so couldnt have been as bad as I thought? The temperature was fine too and 1,500 wouldn't have been a problem. Anyway into T1, I ignored the rain jacket I'd left out as it felt quite mild and had a pretty smooth transition...
The Bike (42km)
I jumped onto my bike and started peddling, however my shoes were stuck tight shut with the velcro - by the time I had managed to get my feet in I'd counted 12 cyclists who had passed me. Nevertheless I soon found a rhythm of 90 cadence. There was a strong wind to contend with - mainly across you but no sign of the forecast rain fortunately. To begin with the hills were relatively gentle ascents and descents. What I enjoyed was that there were lots of cyclists around me - different to the Big Cow where I was off on my own. I LOVE chasing people down and the scope to do that was high with a line of cyclists as far as I could see. After a while the hills turned steeper and bigger; I found I was overtaking quite a few people on the ascent but then on the descent they were absolutely screaming past me - I just didn't have the confidence to let fly especially with the wind. I maxed out at 30.7mph - some coming past me must have been in the 40's. Then the next hill would begin and I'd catch and pass them all again, then on the descent they'd casually fly past me again. Repeat. It was like cat n mouse game! Alot of them were quite heavily built - so presumed they were cyclists and vowed to tear past them on the run (which I did) - but was also aware that a) I was wasting energy as my lost speed downhill meant I was carrying less momentum into the next ascent so was having to work harder on the next hill and b) I was working my legs harder so would this impact my run? It was the most technical bike course I have raced on, and did love the challenge. Also the scenery around Rutland is amazing so have to say its the most spectacular bike course I've ridden too. Part of the ride was the infamous Rutland Ripple and was as challenging as expected. Into T2, everything went well until I pulled my first trainer on and got searing cramp in my right thigh. I took a second to shake it off but when I started running I was relieved to say it dispersed...may be self inflicted though having forgotten my gels for the bike.
The Run (10km...well 9.7km so I've since been told)
I was pretty fired up to catch the people on the bike who had come past - so set off quite fast. There were alot of people ahead so I was just chasing people 1 by 1. When I hit the dam (2 laps over the dam) there was a strong crosswind, but I was just focussing on taking the next person...and the next...and the next. I was going past loads of people and conscious of the cramo potential grabbed water at every stations which I don't normally do as I also had a niggling feeling in my left leg that I was about to cramp - but fortunately it never kicked in. I had one eye on my watch and as I hit the supporters on the way back knew my time was ok - seeing the wife and my sons face near the end gave me extra kick and finished very strongly. Race done.
On getting my printout I saw my results were:
Having looked at this - my initial reaction was that I had the fastest 'bad' swim ever. Its hard to judge transition times as the results only give an overall placing - but looking at other times my T1 was quite strong as normal, T2 less so - but that can be accounted for by the brief cramp. My bike split....well less said the better - but same old story. And finally my run - my 10km PB is 37:40 - so thought I'd hit a new PB until someone pointed out they think it was only 9.7km - but still a very strong run.
The Dambuster (and by definition the Vetruvian) is blessed with outstanding setting and scenery. I would thoroughly recommend this race to anyone. The thing with triathlon is that its really difficult to judge your performance. I beat my target time but having not raced the course, that was a best guess target. Fields vary so placing is also of little use so the only way is to race the same course year on year (albeit conditions very). Overall I'm pretty happy with the race and what exites me is the opportunity to smash my bike leg and start putting in some strong overall times.
Over the next month I am walking the 3 peaks challenge and then 10 days later have the Bristol OLY triathlon - my last confirmed race of the year. By all accounts it is a fast flat course so hope to nail a sub-2:15 OLY for the first time. I may bring an early curtain to the triathlon season after that and try and book a few cycling Sportives and TT's. I know what now what needs to be done so need to build an action plan for 2013...
Finally well done to the blind competitor who raced yesterday, certainly an inspiration to us all.
Cheers for reading it and love to have any feedback....
Monday, 28 May 2012
National Sprint Champs & New Eyes
In the past 3 months alots changed - the biggest was having my eyes lasered at short notice. I went for a consultation and they said if I had it done it would mean no exercise for a week, no swimming for 2 weeks and no open water swimming for 4 weeks - so with 2 weeks until the open water started I decided to rush it through. Great result on eyes - now naturally 2 lines better than 20/20 vision and the first 2 weeks of the OW season were c.11oC anyway so didnt miss much. I did have a light training month in April though as a result.
In terms of races I've done since my Feb blog:
1. F3 Olympic Duathlon (5km/40km/10km; February)
My first duathlon, the race went well - got abit engrossed racing someone & nearly miscounted the 12 bike laps tho, but biggest learning was to push the first run harder.
Rank 16/48 (Overall)
Time 2:13:24 (Splits 20:05 / 00:55 / 1:11:31 / 00:43 / 40:08)
2. Hart Sprint Triathlon (400m pool/20km/5km; May)
My annual season opener, the weather was shocking with heavy rain but managed to knock nearly 3 minutes off last years time - tho last year they miscounted my swim so nearer -2 mins but still good.
Rank 36/370 (Overall)
Time: 1:09:33 (Splits 6:54 / 1:17 / 38:11 / 0:59 / 22:09)
3. British Sprint Triathlon Championship / Worlds QF (750m swim/20k cycle/5k run; May)
And so onwards to the National Sprint Champs and Worlds qualifier at Emberton Park, Northants. My aim for this was simple - put a marker in the ground against the best sprint distance triathletes in my AG (or so I'm told). In terms of time I was looking for a sub 1:10 and to try and get within 115% of the AG winner. After a 4am alarm, and heading NORTH on the M6 I finally arrived at 6.30. Transition was unusually laid out alphabetically, but what surprised me more was the calls to clear transition at 7.10 when I was still getting sorted. I've never know this before so flung everything onto my bike, grabbed my wetsuit and rapidly exited transition. Luckily everything was fine later in the race. Note to self tho - READ THE BRIEFING EMAIL. I assume this would have been in there? So anyway warmup involved a few short runs in my wetsuit? Plus had to blag some freebie Powerbar gels that I was going to buy.
Swim (750m)
I was one of the first in and had a good warmup swim - the lake was a nice 15/16oC. The start was a line along the bank - having watched the previous wave I went near the right to get the shortest line to buoy 1. At 8am the alarm went and off we went - I quickly found a rhythm tho it was quite crowded with lots of people swimming all over each other. However a pack had formed ahead and were breaking away - I was trying to catch them but getting nowhere near. I did find the yellow swim caps of my wave were making the buoys hard to spot - might explain a few erratic swimmers zig zagging along. Nothing much to say about the swim - I lost focus and was paying more attention to my overall position than my stroke causing frustration. I seemed way back in the field and as I climed out looked back to see less than I would have hoped behind me. T1 went fine, I checked my watch at 14:30 so down abit on where I wanted. On exit I tried to mount my bike slightly early but the Marshalls made themselves heard.
Bike 20km
As I set off on the bike it was slightly disconcerting to see only about 2 people ahead of me as I hit the road. I tried to settle at a cadence of 90rpm and was going ok, but I'm naturally a chaser and having no one really ahead to go after was quite demoralising. Soon others were starting to pass me...I counted 4 in the first 5km. Then I hit a few hills and kept screwing up my gearing - I'd hit a climb, drop the front cog down, increase the back and end up spinning whilst losing momentum. The hills kept on coming, just enough to disrupt momentum and soon I'd lost touch of the guys in front. About halfway in the wave behind started coming past, at one point I was doing 23mph & this guy came past me like I was sitting still? Alot of GB jerseys too, tho a couple of groups were blatently drafting whilst checking over their shoulder for marshalls. If you're that good, I dont get it - but hey ho each to their own. I managed to gulp down a gel for the run. Anyway in summary the bike was disappointing - I averaged 19mph. As I hit T2 the marshall shouted to me - I flapped, stopped and unclipped a shoe but he said carry on so clipped back in and carried on. Otherwise T2 was fine...apart from my time which was now c.55 mins - I had been looking for c.50 to hit sub 1:10.
Run 5km
I set off and felt good on the run, so started to push it. It was a nice run around the lake and mostly on the concrete. I was catching lots of people but they were all different waves - I just wanted to catch some F's in my AG and did towards the end. I finally finished in a time of 1:14:29 and 53rd in my AG.
I was expecting a flat bike course, so had I known the profile of the course I would have probably revised my target of 1:10 as being overly ambitious. Initially I was disappointed as it hadn't felt like a race as I was out on my own alot - but on reflection maybe the time wasnt too bad for me, I was just up against a much stronger than avg field? I kept trying to remind myself that this was the stake in the ground - but my disappointment was that the stake seemed alot further away than I would have liked. I know for sure challenging for an AG spot isnt realistic on the training plan I'm currently on - but I know I can be far more competitive than I was. Anyway on a cheery note, I loved the race, the weather was AMAZING and there was great banter as norm. I LOVE triathlon - no sport can match it for so many reasons.
1. The overall experience of racing a national champs / worlds qualifier. It was a real eye opener.
2. Transitions went smoothly
3. It was a good gauge of where I am at - and what to work on
1. READ THE BRIEFING PACK - and if possible drive the bike course
2. Need to throw the bike in the car more and do some hillwork
3. Need to increase my swim volume to be competitive early on
Results: 53/70 (AG)
In terms of races I've done since my Feb blog:
1. F3 Olympic Duathlon (5km/40km/10km; February)
My first duathlon, the race went well - got abit engrossed racing someone & nearly miscounted the 12 bike laps tho, but biggest learning was to push the first run harder.
Rank 16/48 (Overall)
Time 2:13:24 (Splits 20:05 / 00:55 / 1:11:31 / 00:43 / 40:08)
2. Hart Sprint Triathlon (400m pool/20km/5km; May)
My annual season opener, the weather was shocking with heavy rain but managed to knock nearly 3 minutes off last years time - tho last year they miscounted my swim so nearer -2 mins but still good.
Rank 36/370 (Overall)
Time: 1:09:33 (Splits 6:54 / 1:17 / 38:11 / 0:59 / 22:09)
3. British Sprint Triathlon Championship / Worlds QF (750m swim/20k cycle/5k run; May)
And so onwards to the National Sprint Champs and Worlds qualifier at Emberton Park, Northants. My aim for this was simple - put a marker in the ground against the best sprint distance triathletes in my AG (or so I'm told). In terms of time I was looking for a sub 1:10 and to try and get within 115% of the AG winner. After a 4am alarm, and heading NORTH on the M6 I finally arrived at 6.30. Transition was unusually laid out alphabetically, but what surprised me more was the calls to clear transition at 7.10 when I was still getting sorted. I've never know this before so flung everything onto my bike, grabbed my wetsuit and rapidly exited transition. Luckily everything was fine later in the race. Note to self tho - READ THE BRIEFING EMAIL. I assume this would have been in there? So anyway warmup involved a few short runs in my wetsuit? Plus had to blag some freebie Powerbar gels that I was going to buy.
Swim (750m)
I was one of the first in and had a good warmup swim - the lake was a nice 15/16oC. The start was a line along the bank - having watched the previous wave I went near the right to get the shortest line to buoy 1. At 8am the alarm went and off we went - I quickly found a rhythm tho it was quite crowded with lots of people swimming all over each other. However a pack had formed ahead and were breaking away - I was trying to catch them but getting nowhere near. I did find the yellow swim caps of my wave were making the buoys hard to spot - might explain a few erratic swimmers zig zagging along. Nothing much to say about the swim - I lost focus and was paying more attention to my overall position than my stroke causing frustration. I seemed way back in the field and as I climed out looked back to see less than I would have hoped behind me. T1 went fine, I checked my watch at 14:30 so down abit on where I wanted. On exit I tried to mount my bike slightly early but the Marshalls made themselves heard.
Bike 20km
As I set off on the bike it was slightly disconcerting to see only about 2 people ahead of me as I hit the road. I tried to settle at a cadence of 90rpm and was going ok, but I'm naturally a chaser and having no one really ahead to go after was quite demoralising. Soon others were starting to pass me...I counted 4 in the first 5km. Then I hit a few hills and kept screwing up my gearing - I'd hit a climb, drop the front cog down, increase the back and end up spinning whilst losing momentum. The hills kept on coming, just enough to disrupt momentum and soon I'd lost touch of the guys in front. About halfway in the wave behind started coming past, at one point I was doing 23mph & this guy came past me like I was sitting still? Alot of GB jerseys too, tho a couple of groups were blatently drafting whilst checking over their shoulder for marshalls. If you're that good, I dont get it - but hey ho each to their own. I managed to gulp down a gel for the run. Anyway in summary the bike was disappointing - I averaged 19mph. As I hit T2 the marshall shouted to me - I flapped, stopped and unclipped a shoe but he said carry on so clipped back in and carried on. Otherwise T2 was fine...apart from my time which was now c.55 mins - I had been looking for c.50 to hit sub 1:10.
Run 5km
I set off and felt good on the run, so started to push it. It was a nice run around the lake and mostly on the concrete. I was catching lots of people but they were all different waves - I just wanted to catch some F's in my AG and did towards the end. I finally finished in a time of 1:14:29 and 53rd in my AG.
I was expecting a flat bike course, so had I known the profile of the course I would have probably revised my target of 1:10 as being overly ambitious. Initially I was disappointed as it hadn't felt like a race as I was out on my own alot - but on reflection maybe the time wasnt too bad for me, I was just up against a much stronger than avg field? I kept trying to remind myself that this was the stake in the ground - but my disappointment was that the stake seemed alot further away than I would have liked. I know for sure challenging for an AG spot isnt realistic on the training plan I'm currently on - but I know I can be far more competitive than I was. Anyway on a cheery note, I loved the race, the weather was AMAZING and there was great banter as norm. I LOVE triathlon - no sport can match it for so many reasons.
1. The overall experience of racing a national champs / worlds qualifier. It was a real eye opener.
2. Transitions went smoothly
3. It was a good gauge of where I am at - and what to work on
1. READ THE BRIEFING PACK - and if possible drive the bike course
2. Need to throw the bike in the car more and do some hillwork
3. Need to increase my swim volume to be competitive early on
Results: 53/70 (AG)

Sunday, 19 February 2012
Wokingham Half & Training Update
First let it be said that I'm not a fan of half marathons, I much prefer the shorter, intense 10km racing or XC. However I have always felt like its unfinished business as my PB is only 1:32-way off my 10km pace (and PB was at Windsor thats not a notoriously fast course). I raced Fleet several years ago and after hitting 10mi at 1:08 I cramped massively and crawled in around 1:32 with a dented ego. At the time I wasn't training beyond c.50mins and wasn't in great shape but psychologically that collapse weighed on my mind.
2012 was the year to nail those demons and I certainly felt I could sneak under 1:30 and set is as one of five goals for the year - so applied for Wokingham with the fallback of Fleet in March if I missed the time. Ideally I wanted to nail it at Wokingham so I can switch my focus to my cycling.
Anyway race day - I'd agreed to run with a 1:25 runner from my club and agreed to meet him by the 1:25 marker at the start. Having heard it was a slow, narrow start I felt starting above my expected finish time would help with a fast start. However my mate was no where to be seen and soon enough we started. There was lots of runners ahead who obviousy weren't in the right start position so I spent the first mile weaving through people to try and catch him - rather frustrating. Eventually I caught him at c.1 mile but he was was working hard. He'd done a 20 miler last weekend so told me to push on which I did. I felt if I pushed on and started struggling, he'd catch me up and help me through to the end. Wokingham is a flat course except for 2 bridges over the motorways so I pushed hard up these and recovered on the downs.
My only target for the race to achieve 1:30 was to hit 10 miles at 1:07ish to give me a chance, so I worked out on route I'd need to hit 5mi at c.33:30. I hadn't really been keeping an eye on my watch, so when I reached 5mi and saw 30:39 I was abit shocked. Had I gone off too hard? Could I sustain it? Would I cramp like Fleet? It kind of had a negative effect on me? Then at 5.5mi something happened that changed my race, 2 guys caught me up and were saying 'looks like we're on for a 1:21. At that point my target changed and I realised my expectations were way down. I changed my target to 1:25. I clung on to their tails until c.8.5mi when I was dropped and hit 10mi at 1:01:56. I pushed on to the end - from 13mi to the end maybe 5 people overtook me but I crossed the line in 1:21:58 by my watch. The support had been great the whole way round from the spectators and marshalls. Happy days.
Sadly on the day we saw several ambulances at c. 12 mile marker - we assumed that a car had hit a runner. However later it transpired that someone had collapsed with chest pains at the 3 mile marker and required CPR. I hope that they were ok. On the flipside alot of my Sandhurst Jogger mates had strong races and PB's as did several mates off Twitter. Well done all :)
So now my focus switches to the bike with the F3 Duathlon at Dorney on 25th March and the 56mi Sportive at New Forest on April 15th. I've been quite pleased with my cycling training recently however it has nearly all been on turbo so I need to start getting out more - hopefully as weather improves I will be able to. I've also restarted swim training with Bracknell Masters so all in all things are coming together.
2012 was the year to nail those demons and I certainly felt I could sneak under 1:30 and set is as one of five goals for the year - so applied for Wokingham with the fallback of Fleet in March if I missed the time. Ideally I wanted to nail it at Wokingham so I can switch my focus to my cycling.
Anyway race day - I'd agreed to run with a 1:25 runner from my club and agreed to meet him by the 1:25 marker at the start. Having heard it was a slow, narrow start I felt starting above my expected finish time would help with a fast start. However my mate was no where to be seen and soon enough we started. There was lots of runners ahead who obviousy weren't in the right start position so I spent the first mile weaving through people to try and catch him - rather frustrating. Eventually I caught him at c.1 mile but he was was working hard. He'd done a 20 miler last weekend so told me to push on which I did. I felt if I pushed on and started struggling, he'd catch me up and help me through to the end. Wokingham is a flat course except for 2 bridges over the motorways so I pushed hard up these and recovered on the downs.
My only target for the race to achieve 1:30 was to hit 10 miles at 1:07ish to give me a chance, so I worked out on route I'd need to hit 5mi at c.33:30. I hadn't really been keeping an eye on my watch, so when I reached 5mi and saw 30:39 I was abit shocked. Had I gone off too hard? Could I sustain it? Would I cramp like Fleet? It kind of had a negative effect on me? Then at 5.5mi something happened that changed my race, 2 guys caught me up and were saying 'looks like we're on for a 1:21. At that point my target changed and I realised my expectations were way down. I changed my target to 1:25. I clung on to their tails until c.8.5mi when I was dropped and hit 10mi at 1:01:56. I pushed on to the end - from 13mi to the end maybe 5 people overtook me but I crossed the line in 1:21:58 by my watch. The support had been great the whole way round from the spectators and marshalls. Happy days.
Sadly on the day we saw several ambulances at c. 12 mile marker - we assumed that a car had hit a runner. However later it transpired that someone had collapsed with chest pains at the 3 mile marker and required CPR. I hope that they were ok. On the flipside alot of my Sandhurst Jogger mates had strong races and PB's as did several mates off Twitter. Well done all :)
So now my focus switches to the bike with the F3 Duathlon at Dorney on 25th March and the 56mi Sportive at New Forest on April 15th. I've been quite pleased with my cycling training recently however it has nearly all been on turbo so I need to start getting out more - hopefully as weather improves I will be able to. I've also restarted swim training with Bracknell Masters so all in all things are coming together.
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
2011 and Onwards & Upwards in 2012
Hey guys, it's been a while since my last blog so I thought I'd blog a quick update on last season and my targets for the forthcoming one - as much for my use as anyone else who is interested. But first I'd not really sat back and reviewed my 2011 season until recently, and it threw up a few surprises...
2011 Summary
In 2011 I managed to race in 4 triathlons - with a 3 week family holiday to Florida in early August this effectively shortened my season. In terms of results, they were:
1. Hart Triathlon - Sprint 1:12:19, Overal rank = 21% (Hart PB by 2'25)
2. Blenheim Triathlon, Sprint 1:24:27, AG Rank = 15% (Blenheim PB by 40 seconds)
3. Windsor Triathlon, Olympic 2:33:54, AG Rank=33%
4. London Triathlon, Olympic 2:20:04, AG Rank=8% (PB - OLY & London by 13 seconds)
Digging further and breaking out the disciplines heres a graph showing my avg ranking by discipline. Tbh it doesn't show anything I didn't know (although the transitions are abit overstated - in 2 races where cramp struck during transition a couple of minutes cost me a fair few places. However at London my T2 was 30/538!) but its useful to set a bench for '12 season.
2011 Highlights
On January 3rd myself and my wife welcomed a new addition to the Drayton household with the birth of our baby daughter. Obviously planned for the 'off season' (lol) I will need to flex my training around the lifestye of having another baby around? The midwifes have all said she has very large feet so I've already lined her up to be the swimmer in the family relay team ha ha
Anyway my focus for 2012 is that I NEED to get my bike working for me better. My running is clearly my strength and whilst my swimming can also be improved, given the significance of the bike leg to the overall result its time to fix things. It's simple - I simply don't put enough training hours in the saddle. Yes I can make the usual excuses - namely around the time cycling requires when training vs other disciplines with a young family, however if I want to see a big improvement to my ranking there are no shortcuts - I need to quit the moaning and get in the saddle. Whilst I'm not currently in a position to be able to upgrade my bike, I'm aware in the scheme of things I can make big inroads despite of this. My focus for this is:
-Turbo interval sessions - having recently downloaded my first sufferfest video these are ideal for speedwork!
-Joining my local cycling club to build some miles in my legs
-Sportives - I have signed up for a 56miler in April and will line up a couple of others
-TT#ing - To develop my speed I will aim to race at least 2 TT's a month through the summer
-Practice for contingencies e.g. punctures. I have been lucky so far (touch wood...I'm jinxing myself here!) but if it ever did happen I'd be up the proverbial creek!
-Finally invest in bike fit analysis to ensure I am at the most efficient on the bike
So thats going to be my focus for the year, however in terms of my overriding objectives for the year these are:
1. To break 90 mins for a half marathon
2. To complete at least 6 triathlons - aiming for top 15% in AG in all
3. To break 1:05 for 25mi TT
4. To get to race weight of sub 10.5 stone by April
A month into 2012 I am wondering if these are stretching enough (already achieved #4) but I'll monitor and review these as the year proceeds - and add if necessary.
Anyway for anyone who has stayed the distance and read it all, thanks and I'll keep you updated throughout the season. Hope all your training is going well.
2012 Race Calendar - Confirmed Key Events to date
19th Feb Wokingham Half Marathon
14th April New Forest Sportive - 56mi
7th May Hart Sprint Triathlon
27th May Big Cow Sprint Triathlon
16th June Dambuster OLY Triathlon
15th July Bristol OLY Triathlon
In 2011 I managed to race in 4 triathlons - with a 3 week family holiday to Florida in early August this effectively shortened my season. In terms of results, they were:
1. Hart Triathlon - Sprint 1:12:19, Overal rank = 21% (Hart PB by 2'25)
2. Blenheim Triathlon, Sprint 1:24:27, AG Rank = 15% (Blenheim PB by 40 seconds)
3. Windsor Triathlon, Olympic 2:33:54, AG Rank=33%
4. London Triathlon, Olympic 2:20:04, AG Rank=8% (PB - OLY & London by 13 seconds)
Digging further and breaking out the disciplines heres a graph showing my avg ranking by discipline. Tbh it doesn't show anything I didn't know (although the transitions are abit overstated - in 2 races where cramp struck during transition a couple of minutes cost me a fair few places. However at London my T2 was 30/538!) but its useful to set a bench for '12 season.
2011 Highlights
- London OLY - 2:20 PB, top 8% of AG, 1:04 bike split & 35th for run split
- Completing the Hampton-Kingston 2.25mi swim in 1:05:28-first competitive stand-alone OW swim
- Transitions - improved significantly
- Bike - continue to perform below other disciplines - sadly self inflicted due to lack of 'saddle time' in training
- Nutrition - Suffered cramp in both Blenheim & Windsor tri's in T2 - despite never suffering it in training?
- Early finish to season
On January 3rd myself and my wife welcomed a new addition to the Drayton household with the birth of our baby daughter. Obviously planned for the 'off season' (lol) I will need to flex my training around the lifestye of having another baby around? The midwifes have all said she has very large feet so I've already lined her up to be the swimmer in the family relay team ha ha
Anyway my focus for 2012 is that I NEED to get my bike working for me better. My running is clearly my strength and whilst my swimming can also be improved, given the significance of the bike leg to the overall result its time to fix things. It's simple - I simply don't put enough training hours in the saddle. Yes I can make the usual excuses - namely around the time cycling requires when training vs other disciplines with a young family, however if I want to see a big improvement to my ranking there are no shortcuts - I need to quit the moaning and get in the saddle. Whilst I'm not currently in a position to be able to upgrade my bike, I'm aware in the scheme of things I can make big inroads despite of this. My focus for this is:
-Turbo interval sessions - having recently downloaded my first sufferfest video these are ideal for speedwork!
-Joining my local cycling club to build some miles in my legs
-Sportives - I have signed up for a 56miler in April and will line up a couple of others
-TT#ing - To develop my speed I will aim to race at least 2 TT's a month through the summer
-Practice for contingencies e.g. punctures. I have been lucky so far (touch wood...I'm jinxing myself here!) but if it ever did happen I'd be up the proverbial creek!
-Finally invest in bike fit analysis to ensure I am at the most efficient on the bike
So thats going to be my focus for the year, however in terms of my overriding objectives for the year these are:
1. To break 90 mins for a half marathon
2. To complete at least 6 triathlons - aiming for top 15% in AG in all
3. To break 1:05 for 25mi TT
4. To get to race weight of sub 10.5 stone by April
A month into 2012 I am wondering if these are stretching enough (already achieved #4) but I'll monitor and review these as the year proceeds - and add if necessary.
Anyway for anyone who has stayed the distance and read it all, thanks and I'll keep you updated throughout the season. Hope all your training is going well.
2012 Race Calendar - Confirmed Key Events to date
19th Feb Wokingham Half Marathon
14th April New Forest Sportive - 56mi
7th May Hart Sprint Triathlon
27th May Big Cow Sprint Triathlon
16th June Dambuster OLY Triathlon
15th July Bristol OLY Triathlon
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